What Works for You?
Beyond vibrant communities & innovative research workgroups, What Works knows that a toolkit
isn’t one size fits all. That’s why we we’ve developed a suite of solutions to meet your needs.
Key Issues: Risk-Informed AI for EHS
The AI landscape is flooded with speculative hype. That’s why What Works, in partnership with Bowers Management Analytics, is deeply focused on real-world applications that drive measurable safety outcomes.
By combining decades of EHS experience with advanced AI capabilities, this partnership will equip health and safety leaders with tools to enhance compliance, accelerate risk prioritization, improve incident analysis, enable seamless EHS systems automation, and integrate AI into operations—with confidence.
Key Areas of Collaboration
✔ AI-Driven Safety Solutions: Development of risk assessment tools, predictive analytics, and decision-support AI models specifically designed for EHS applications.
✔ Training & Thought Leadership: Launch of an AI in EHS Learning Community, expert masterclasses, and executive briefings to help leaders understand, apply, and scale AI solutions within their organizations.
✔ Industry Engagement: Co-developing educational content, webinars, and case studies that bridge the gap between AI potential and practical implementation in high-risk environments.
✔ Client Collaboration: Jointly working with forward-thinking EHS leaders to identify pain points, test AI-driven solutions, and drive adoption in real-world settings.
Key Issues: Heat Stress, Injury & Illness Prevention
A comprehensive guide to heat stress compliance, practice, and implementation that includes sample policies, programs, communications, and tools for improvement.
Weekly Newsletters
What Works offers a variety of newsletters covering all aspects of EHS.
Whether you’re interested in regulation and compliance or what’s new in international safety & health, we’re ready to help, at costs as low as $1/day.
Don’t see a newsletter you’d like to see? Let us know!
Tools & Insight
What Works research projects and learning communities regularly derive new approaches, programs, practices and implementation tools, including on Heat Stress, Incident Investigation, and more.
What Works tools are priced for access, cover a
wide variety of EHS challenges, and come with robust guidance from policies to measurement.
Check out the What Works store for additional information!
Federal Regulatory
News & Updates
A curated webinar series beginning with implementation basics; our October kickoff webinar featuring Larry Sloan from AIHA is now available!
State Regulatory
News & Updates
EPA Regulatory
News & Updates
Bespoke Guidance
Transformative projects often take know-how
(or just arms and legs) beyond what EHS leaders
have available at their fingertips. What Works staff
and a network of experts stand
ready to assist in projects of all kinds - with a
focus on the communities we serve and
research we deliver.
From What Matters in EHS culture & leadership to reassessing your systems for transformational
change to tactical IH support, What Works can help!
A year-long “express” community that is convened each month to benchmark, exchange challenges and solutions, and voice its point of view to regulatory stakeholders.